
Find a career in renewable energy

The renewable energy sector features many different jobs. From construction of wind, solar and battery storage projects, through to operations, communications, finance and more.

Digital Activities

Digital interactive activities can be used in your classroom, or by students independently.

Find your career in Futureville

A fun interactive game for students to explore and learn about careers in renewable energy based on their interests.

Students can collect and download trading cards for the jobs that interest them, allowing them to continue their career exploration further.

Other Resources

Your students may find the following resources useful in their career research and planning.

Useful resources​

Teacher Resources

Teacher notes

By using the resources available for this topic, your students have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the wide scope of careers available in the renewable energy sector.
  • See that with a wide range of different jobs, a career that matches their interests might be available.
  • Learn specific details about a job they are interested in including: the environment the job usual takes place, how it maps to their interests, what skills are generally required, what qualifications and study pathways may be required, and high level benefits of the job.
  • Save a collection of job trading cards that interest them to continue their career research.
Student interest mapping

The student experience in the Futureville game begins by choosing a persona to play as. Personas are based on the Holland Occupational Themes, where careers are mapped to certain personal interests or personality types:

  • Realistic – Working with my hands
  • Investigative – Solving problems
  • Artistic – Being creative
  • Social – Working with people
  • Enterprising – Leading and guiding
  • Conventional – Working with data and detail

If students are unsure what their interests are, online tools such as the Australian Government’s myfuture website have useful tools designed to help students identify their career interests.

Start here to learn more about Holland Occupational Themes.

Collecting trading cards

Through the game, students are encouraged to collect trading cards for the jobs that interest them. They can then share and download them to continue their career exploration.

The full set of trading cards are available here.


Discover the wonders of electricity & renewable energy

Upper Primary

Grade 5 & 6

Students explore the basics of electricity. Students will learn how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits.

Lower Secondary

Grade 7 & 8

Students explore how energy sources such as the sun and wind can be harnessed to produce electricity, and ways to store it.

Upper Secondary

Grade 9 to 12

Students learn about different careers in renewable energy by playing a fun and interactive game set in the town of Futureville!