
The publisher of the www.neoenlearning.com website is Neoen, a public limited company listed on the Euronext Stock Exchange whose registered office is located at 6, rue Ménars, 75002 Paris, France.


1. Website content

The www.neoenlearning.com website is protected under intellectual property law. All its contents (logos, trademark, graphics, photos, texts, videos, soundtracks, etc.) on the website are the exclusive property of Neoen.


2. Personal data protection

Neoen is committed to strictly respecting the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation n° 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 as well as law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified by the law of 20 June 2018 (French Data Protection Act) and its implementation decrees.

Neoen undertakes to respect the provisions of this regulation should the user be required to communicate personal information to Neoen when using the Neoen website or through cookies (IP address, name, mailing address, email address).

Users can find out how Neoen processes personal data by visiting the privacy policy available on the company’s site: https://www.neoen.com/en/privacy-policy


3. Contact

For any question or information on the services presented on the site, or concerning the site itself, you can contact us via our dedicated form that you will find in the Contact section.

Discover the wonders of electricity & renewable energy

Upper Primary

Grade 5 & 6

Students explore the basics of electricity. Students will learn how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits.

Lower Secondary

Grade 7 & 8

Students explore how energy sources such as the sun and wind can be harnessed to produce electricity, and ways to store it.

Upper Secondary

Grade 9 to 12

Students learn about different careers in renewable energy by playing a fun and interactive game set in the town of Futureville!