Can you store electricity in a bottle?
The moment you flick a switch, electricity flows, lighting our rooms and powering our technology. But far from the nearest power point we can still charge up, thanks to batteries.
A short 3 minute video explaining the topic for students.
Can you store electricity in a bottle?
A fun video introduction to circuits and how we can store energy in batteries.
Use this video in your lesson or share directly with your students.
Digital Activities
Digital interactive activities can be used in your classroom in conjunction with the video, or independently.
This interactive Q&A is designed to quiz students on what they have learned after watching the video.
This is a digital version of the multiple choice PDF worksheet below.
Light me up
A drag and drop game where students place the elements required to create a simple circuit to power a light globe.
Demonstrates the basics of circuits, conductors, and insulators.
Worksheets and Classroom Activities
These PDF worksheets can be used in your classroom either in conjunction with the video or independently.
This Q&A worksheet is designed to quiz students on what they have learned after watching the video.
This is a PDF version of the digital interactive found above.
Pulling ideas from across all topics, this crossword worksheet is a simple resource for use in your classroom.
Teacher Resources
Teacher notes and Q&A answers
By using the resources available for this topic, your students have the opportunity to learn:
- How electrons move through a circuit like cars on a racetrack
- Electrons move from the negative to the positive end of a circuit
- Electrons can be made to move through circuits by turning turbines to drive magnets or by special materials like those used in solar cells
- How electricity can be stored in batteries, big and small
This PDF includes:
- Video summary
- Literacy links
- Research tasks
- Curriculum links
- Worksheet answers
Crossword answers
Download the crossword worksheet solutions.
Curriculum Mapping
Upper Primary topics are perfect for Australian grade 5 and 6 students and are aligned to Australian curriculums.
Australian Curriculum Science, year 6
Overview. View link
Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can be generated from a range of sources (ACSSU097). View link
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE100). View link
Cross curricular priorities: Sustainability.
General capabilities: Numeracy, Literacy, Ethical understanding.
NSW Curriculum Science, stage 3 (years 5 and 6)
Overview. View link
Explains how energy is transformed from one form to another (ST3-8PW-ST).
Investigates the effects of increasing or decreasing the strength of a specific contact or non-contact force (ST3-9PW-ST).
General capabilities: Numeracy, Literacy.
Victorian Curriculum Science, levels 5 and 6
Overview. View link
Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity; electric circuits enable this energy to be transferred to another place and then to be transformed into another form of energy (VCSSU081). View link
Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to inform personal and community decisions and to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives (VCSSU073). View link
Additional Resources
Have you ever wondered how a big battery works? Learn the multiple roles big batteries play in stabilising the electricity grid. View link